Another Conversation with Story: When the bloom fades from the rose

Me: This is pure drudgery. Story: I love you, too. Me: Hey, it's no bed of roses here, either, smart guy. Story: Where's the love? The love. That's all I ask. I look around and I don't see it. Me: I was in love with you when we first started. Now I'm ready to get …

New Word Press Theme. Like, or not? Theme hate, or theme love?

As you guys can see I have changed the theme to my blog from Kubrick to Comet. I like them both but I like the fact Comet is easier to find things in the sidebar than Kubrick, I think.Don't you think? I think. So what do you think of the overall theme? Do my older …

More Conversation with Story: Does this genre make me look pretty?

Story: I'm back. Me: You were gone a while. Story: The editor had a lot to say about me. Maybe you should read his comments. Me: Wow. These are a lot of changes. Nothing too spectacular, though. I think I can do this all right. Story: Did you see his last suggestion? Me: Uh oh. …

Dialog with Story: Care and Feeding of Your Story

Story: Feed me. Me: What? Story: Feed me. Me: What are you on about? Story: You're not feeding me properly. Me: You could be a little more specific. Story: May fault. I forgot I was talking to someone who needed it spelled out in detail. You're not feeding me. Not only do I need to …

A Conversation with Story: I say goodbye, you say hello

Story: You have to let me go. Me: No, let me tinker with you some more. I think I can get it right if I rework this one scene. Story: You've been tinkering off and on for months and you're still not happy. Me: I can get it right if I tweak you here and …

Writing Update and Research Problems: Losing the thread of the story in weeds and thickets

I wrote twelve pages yesterday on the new Haxan novel. I think I am finally in a safe place as far as the novel goes. There is still a lot of research to do. I am planning a trip to Fort Griffin this weekend. I'm looking forward to that. As a writer I want to …

Writing Update: Progress on the novel, and a side trip to Fort Griffin, TX in the works

Last week was the first time I had completely to myself. Well, not really, but I had enough time to myself to get past the initial (and for me problematic) creative phase of the novel and make real progress. I am pretty happy with what I have accomplished so far on this project. I have …

Conversing with Story: Selling same, and what to do next

Me: I sold a story! Story: Congratulations. That's a big accomplishment and very well deserved. Me: I couldn't have done it without you. Story: Not to toot my own horn, but that's pretty much true. Me: It was only to a small market, though. Story: So? What does that matter. Big or small, selling a …

On Magra Snowberry: Carried by the wings of blood and dust

I.      Magra’s braided hair shone like the wings of a raven in the morning light.  Her face was like a sword. I am rarely surprised by a story. When I write I always feel I am in total control, sifting and judging words and sentences and actions as I move through it. I hold …

Engaging with Story: The Eternal Flame of Human Consciousness

Me: Morning. Story: Morning. Ready to write? Me: Yes, but first there is something I don't understand. Story: Your natural state of affairs, I believe. What is it this time? Me: This has to do with you. It's more along the lines of a personal question. Story: Oh, dear. I hope this doesn't get awkward. …

The Challenge of Writing Outside Your Comfort Zone

I have always believed the best stories and the best writers are those that operate outside a comfort zone. Don't get me wrong. I like easy-to-read and quick stories sometimes. But when I first envisioned this novel I instinctively knew it would A.) Be hard to write, and B.) Be challenging to write because it …

Frustrated Writer: Finding a clear path through life

This is a tough novel I am working on. It's nothing like I've ever attempted before. I have said this before but I will say it again mainly because I am still trying to process it all out and come to grips. If this was just another novel I would be hitting my stride right …

A Conversation with a Story: Finishing what you start

Story: Whoa, there, spanky. What do you think you're doing? Me: I'm stopping work on this old story and starting on this brand new story. Story: And why, may I ask, are you doing that? Me: Well, I've been working on this old story for a month and it's coming along so slow and now …

More Conversation with Story: You’re doing it wrong, except when it’s right.

Story: Morning. Me: Hi. Story: Ready to work? Me: No, I"ve decided I'm only going to work at night from midnight to two. It gives me a nice two hour window of peace and quiet. Story: Hoo boy. What fresh hell is this? Me: What do you mean? Story: This is not your normal routine. …

Conversing with Story: Writer’s Block, and Defining Yourself as a Writer

Story: What's wrong? Me: I'm not writing. Story: That's bad. Why not? Me: I think I'm blocked. Story: Maybe you need a high colonic. Me: No, I mean I have writer's block. I can't write. I'm stuck in the mud. Story: Uh huh. Me: You don't believe me. Story: I believe you believe it. Answer …

A Conversation with Story: Advancement of Plot through Conflict

Story: What's up? Me: I'm writing a love scene. Story: I see that. Where's the conflict? Me: What conflict? It's a love scene. They're in love. Story: You delight in making my life difficult, don't you? Me: Of course not...oh, I see what you did there. You advanced our dialog through conflict. Story: Exactly. All …

Conversation with Story: Trusting the Reader to Trust You

Story: What are you doing? Me: Writing. Story: No, what are you doing? Me: I thought I was writing. Story: You don't see what you did back there, did you? Me: Back where? Story: Five pages back. I'll wait. Me: Oh. Yeah. Well, you see, I wanted to make sure the reader understood what was …