Valkyrie Artwork as Reflection for “Remember Me in the Halls of Valhalla”

When I was working on a story entitled "Remember Me in the Halls of Valhalla" I wanted to portray the Valkyries as true death-maidens rather than generic (and cliched) fantasy figures. In my search I landed upon some artwork on the Internet. Just wanted to share some of them with you here. I never used …

Fishing the Styx: Moby-Dick and Dante’s Inferno, with horror and revenge served cold in Hell….

As a writer I like all my stories. I would not submit them for publication if I felt they had nothing to give readers. But I have to admit there are some stories that are very important to me for one reason or another. "Fishing the Styx" is such a story. I have always loved …

Huh. So this is what relaxation is like? I like it.

Last night I played a little bit of LOTRO. I haven't played any computer games for months and months. I have had no time. I've spent so much of my energy lately into writing (and all the facets that go into that) I have had no time for anything else. It's hurt me, I think. …

Theater 13 Radio Broadcasting OTR Horror, Mystery, and Suspense on 100 Channels!

Theater 13 Radio has upgraded. We are now broadcasting Old Time Radio programming on 100 channels. We hope this will alleviate any bottlenecking issues listeners experienced when they tried to log on with our old 50 channel system. We are still broadcasting at 24K and are considering an upgrade there as well. Do you like …

Ginger Snaps: Not the Cookie, the Werewolf

I like werewolf movies.  No, let me rephrase that.  I like good werewolf movies.  My favorite is The Wolfman (1941) with Lon Chaney, Jr.  And from a writerly perspective it gives me a tickle to know the writer of that film, Curt Siodmak, made most of the werewolf tropes out of whole cloth.  But they're …

Suspension of Disbelief: Not the Rubicon You Thought It Was

The more I study opera the more I learn about suspension of disbelief at least as far as writing goes, and the human propensity for engaging in it. Suspension of disbelief is a big thing in opera.  It's a natural given you are to suspend a lot of disbelief so the opera can move on.  …

Tangled – Animated Hair Fetish by Disney (movie review)

The story of Rapunzel is one of my favorite Grimms' fairy tale. The original story and many of its variations are quite dark. In the original story the prince calls for Rapunzel to let down her hair and sees her on the sly. One day she lets slip that her dress is getting too tight …