Yes, I am going to write The Great American Hobo Novel

I have finally decided I am going to do this for my next big project. I have been interested in this idea for some time. A bit tongue in cheek, but I have called this idea The Great American Hobo Novel for some time. Mostly as a place holder name. I feel there's a lot …

I Updated My Professional Web Page

I had the feeling for sometime my old web page was getting kind of bloated. Way too many pages and too much information crammed on each page made for a difficult reading experience. I have pared it down considerably and now have what I consider relevant and important information for a quick read/perusal. I still …

Sorry, but this is not why I write. And I can’t change that.

Okay, it's been a while since an update. It's not like I've been completely lazy. We have a lot of family and personal things going on around here this summer and it has eaten into a lot of my time. I mean, I haven't been camping this summer (much) so that should give you some …

Dark Secrets of Blood and Mythical Power in the Streets of Haxan

When I wrote "Alpenglow' I knew I was going to be pushing a boundary or two. Which is fine because that's how I write anyway and that sort of viewpoint always works well in Haxan. I've had several readers remark how this story creeped them out. I can see why and I'd be less than …

Fishing the Styx: Moby-Dick and Dante’s Inferno, with horror and revenge served cold in Hell….

As a writer I like all my stories. I would not submit them for publication if I felt they had nothing to give readers. But I have to admit there are some stories that are very important to me for one reason or another. "Fishing the Styx" is such a story. I have always loved …

My New Story! Lisetta Lawrence is a myopic graduate student with knobby knees and a troubled love life….

In the story "Tennessee Waltz" Lisetta Lawrence is the main character. Which is interesting because she was a secondary character from an unpublished novel. But I have know over the years there was more to her story that needed to be told. I am a writer. I talk about writing in this blog all the …

Wuthering: A vengeful take on Wuthering Heights in the violent world of Haxan

Mark here. The world of Haxan gives me a lot of room to retell stories and do variations. The short story "Wuthering" is such an example. I mean, how many settings lend themselves to a retelling of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights? Well, in my opinion, Haxan does. I had fun writing this story because it …

Gepetto’s Orphans: The Emergence of the Lost People Comes to Haxan

My new Haxan story "Gepetto's Orphans" has a long lineage. You might say it's as old as the story of Pinocchio himself. Now, truth be told, many stories have been written about a wooden boy who becomes real. But being a dark fantasy writer it's my job to look beyond the ordinary and seek the …

Some Personal Thoughts about Writing on Valentine’s Day

One of the things I have learned in being a writer is measure. Everything must be done in a measured way when you are writing. Even when you are going great guns and your typewriter (or in this day and age your computer) is hot you have to be measured in the way you approach …

The Saga of Ragnar Greenkirtle and the “graskinna” Loki

One of the things I like about being a writer is how I can do research about topics that interest me and use that information to generate story ideas. I have always been interested in Viking culture and when I read the Sagas I was taken with the voice used to tell their stories. Being …

Violent Love and Quick Death with a Beautiful AI Construct in Star City, Russia

Mark here. My story "The Bonebreaker" has a strange germination. It grew out of my first novel  Fevreblau in that I cherry-picked a few parts from the book and expanded them into a story. Writers do this a lot in case you didn't know. We write a story about a character and then we might …

Love, Betrayal,and Recombinant DNA Gone Wrong in Cabo San Lucas

I remember when I first began to write the short story "Dead Reckoning" and the challenges I faced. The prompt came from a writing class I was taking at the time. They were talking about an exercise the teacher gave a year or so ago in which he wanted the students to write a scene …

I am still a writer first…everything else comes second

This morning I did some publishing work. I uploaded a new science fiction/cyberpunk story entitled "Dead Reckoning" to Kindle. I will let you know when the story goes live and give further details for it and Argo Navis Publishing. Last week was a long, stressful week for me for many reasons. I am hoping this …

A Very Dark Haxan Story “Alpenglow” has been Released from Argo Navis

I've had a special place in my heart for this story a long time. I like a lot of things about it, especially what I tried to do with the characterization. I am never interested in playing it safe, and this story was my attempt at crossing a line or two, but still with the …

A Writing Superman…or how I scrambled to get things done before I wigged out

This has been a very busy week for me but a good week. I got a lot done, mostly with Argo Navis, but one thing sticks out. I haven't gotten to work on the novel again. I'm not upset about this turn. I merely note it. I can't do everything at once. I am not …

Woot! My new science fiction story “Tennessee Waltz” is available from Argo Navis. Hope you guys enjoy it! :)

Tennessee Waltz “Mark Hoover is a writer who never hesitates to go deep, to try to find the core of what it means to be human and take a good hard look. If he has to stare down a nightmare or two along the way, well, that’s just fine.” —Richard Parks, author of the Lord …

A new Haxan story! “Wuthering” has been released by Argo Navis Publishing. Thanks, guys!

My new Haxan story "Wuthering" has been released by Argo Navis. I hope you enjoy the new story! 🙂     Hoover's Haxan stories are a delightful blend of the Western and dark fantasy genres. Once you enter the Haxan universe, you may not be able to leave.  —Matthew Pizzolato, editor of The Western Online