The Border Trip: Fort Davis Camping

Here are more pictures from what I have been calling my Border Trip. It's the trip I took from Laredo to Nogales in preparation to writing the novel I have just completed. The buttes in the distance are fantastic. Here is my campsite at Fort Davis. There was a lot of wildlife here, including javelinas …

Camping Trip

I'm headed to Caprock Canyon and later Palo Duro Canyon this weekend and will be gone through most of next week. I'll Tweet when I can, but cell service out there is spotty at best. I'll take pictures and post them when I get back.  

Writing Update: Progress on the novel, and a side trip to Fort Griffin, TX in the works

Last week was the first time I had completely to myself. Well, not really, but I had enough time to myself to get past the initial (and for me problematic) creative phase of the novel and make real progress. I am pretty happy with what I have accomplished so far on this project. I have …

The Sunset of Destruction, the Ashes of the West: A Retrospective from Caprock Canyon

I got a lot of work done on my trip to Caprock Canyon. I wanted to dovetail the preliminary stages of working on the new novel with the trip in the hope of synergy. It worked, better than I hoped. I came up with a lot of ideas and thoughts about the novel, characters, tone …

Leaving for Caprock Canyon with a Very Dark Haxan Novel in Mind

Headed to Caprock Canyon this morning. Looking forward to the relaxation and working on some notes for the new novel. Kind of eager to see if this idea will hold up. I think it has promise...but you never know until you actually start mapping out the story and ideas. One thing. The more I think …

Planning another camping trip…with writing a novel on the side!

Thinking about going camping this weekend. A couple of reasons. It's getting late in the year and if I wait much longer it's going to get cold. I don't like the cold. I can deal with the heat much better. Just me. 😛 There are also the buffalo. I'd like to follow them around for …

Sunset and Moonrise in Caprock Canyon (Bridge of stars between)

The first thing that hits you when you are in the wilderness is the invading silence. It's oppressive. It seeps into you and invades your core and fills it like spring water welling through a crack in the ground.The silence is everywhere. It lifts you up and carries you throughout the day and night. The …

Buffalo in Caprock Canyon — Beyond Awesome

One of the best things about camping in Caprock Canyon are the buffalo. As a western writer (and just a writer in general and a human being enamored with history and culture) I love seeing these majestic animals. I think one of the biggest surprises is how small they are. Yes, small -- compared to …